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CEEN 498/598: Cementitious Materials for Construction

Course Description

Cementitious materials, as the most commonly used construction materials, are the main focus of this graduate level course and variety of cementitious materials including cements, supplementary cementitious materials, admixtures, high strength concrete, sprayed concrete (shotctete), and grouts will be covered in this course. There is no pre-requisite to this course and the course is available to all graduate students.


Spring 2020 Offering

CEEN 498/598: Cementitious Materials for Construction

M, W, F: 3-3:50 PM

Instructor: Dr. Reza Hedayat (


Course Content

· Cement Types, Hydration of Cements, and Applications

· Supplementary Cementitious Materials

· Aggregates for Concrete Production

· Chemical Admixtures for Cementitious Materials

· Mix Design of Concrete and Sprayed Concrete

· Cost Analysis of Concrete Production

· Placement of Concrete and Curing

· Modern Application Techniques for Sprayed Concrete

· Testing and Quality Control of Concrete

· Grouting and Deep Mixing for Ground Improvement

· Grouting Techniques/Types and Their Proper Applications

· Review of prominent projects: World One Trade Center and the London Crossrail Project, etc.


Contact Information

Reza Hedayat, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Coolbaugh Hall Room 248

1012 14th Street

Golden, CO 80401, USA


Phone: (303) 273-3401

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